About HPAC



The Ocean County Homelessness Prevention and Assistance Coalition works to ensure that people who experience homelessness or are at imminent risk of homelessness will have access to community resources to resolve their immediate housing crisis and facilitate transition from homelessness to stability in permanent housing as rapidly as possible



The purposes of HPAC are:

  • To provide information and engage with the homeless population of Ocean County to enhance their knowledge of available services and service providers.
  • To serve as a forum to analyze and discuss emerging housing needs of the homeless population and those at imminent risk of homelessness in Ocean County.
  • To support planning and development of services to meet prioritized needs of homeless individual and those at-risk of homelessness in Ocean County.
  • To develop and implement a coordinated community-based strategy for preventing homelessness when possible and rapidly rehousing those who become homeless in Ocean County through permanent supportive housing solutions, stabilization of at risk households, education and economic opportunities to promote self-sufficiency, and other mainstream and social services.
  • To coordinate Ocean County’s resources to effectively identify and address the needs of the county’s homeless population.
  • To create and maintain systemic approaches to addressing homelessness through collaboration with community and government organizations and liaison relations with statutorily created and other administrative or advisory boards, which are concerned with homeless services.
  • To create and use data and performance measurement tools to evaluate and improve the county’s response to homelessness, particularly projects funding through the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Continuum of Care (CoC) Program.
  • To apply for funding from the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) under the Continuum of Care (CoC) Program and other funding programs for the homeless.

The HPAC/Ocean County Strategic Plan to End Homelessness can be found here. The funding priorities can be found here.

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